Thank you for requesting access to National Grid’s natural gas group training exercises.
You can now access them by following the links on this page.
Natural gas group training exercises
Group training exercises provide first responders in-depth safety training using real-world natural gas utility-related scenarios, visual prompts and Q&A learning practices. These exercises are downloadable. They can be used online, or printed and used by training officers away from the computer as a supplement to the First Responder Utility Safety e-learning certification program and/or as refresher training in natural gas incidents.
The exercises present best practices for four common natural gas emergencies:
#1: Gas main leak with no ignition
#2: Gas service leak with ignition
#3: Gas odor from an unknown source
#4: Residents overcome by carbon monoxide
A link for downloading a printable version of each exercise appears at the top of every page.
If National Grid does not distribute natural gas in your department’s response area, please coordinate your incident response with the appropriate local gas utility.