Order first responder safety training materials

Provide vital information that every first responder must know to stay safe around utility lines.

Order first responder safety training materials

20 First Responder Beware® booklets

These 8-page booklets feature bold photos and clear text to help teach firefighters, EMTs, police and other emergency professionals safety near power lines and natural gas facilities. Information includes vehicle rescues, substation fires and what to do if equipment contacts a utility line or in the case of a natural gas emergency.

First Responder Beware® DVD, which contains:

  • First Responders & Electrical Hazards video: This video covers everything first responders must know to respond effectively in emergencies involving electricity. It includes substation emergencies, downed wires, fire apparatus and overhead wires, vehicle-pole contacts, pole fires and structure fires.
  • AEGIS Electricity: Recognizing and Avoiding the Hazards video: This video training tool is intended to demonstrate the proper actions emergency responders should take when encountering electric facilities in the course of their duties. It is divided into nine sections outlining the fundamentals of electricity and electric systems, treating electric contact injuries, recognizing and avoiding hazards of electric lines and procedures to follow when responding to fires involving electric lines and equipment.
  • AEGIS Natural Gas: Recognizing and Avoiding the Hazards video: This video training tool is intended to demonstrate the right approach to handling and responding to a variety of natural gas emergencies. It is divided into nine sections outlining the origins and properties of natural gas, the gas delivery system, safe approaches to leaking and burning natural gas and the effects of exposure to carbon monoxide.
  • When Vehicles Contact Power Lines: Stay Safe – Stay Inside video: This video covers additional information for responding to emergencies involving downed wires and overhead lines on vehicles for both first responders and the general public.
  • Slideshow: This presentation is designed to enhance your safety meeting by introducing basic safety information to participants. It includes talking points to assist you with each slide.
  • Trainer’s guide: This comprehensive guide addresses everything you need to run an effective safety training session, such as learning preferences, room setup tips, presenter’s notes and ideas for discussion and activities.

To help you teach first responders how to work safely around electrical and natural gas utility equipment, we’re pleased to offer you a FREE safety training kit. Orders are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

The 2023 program is now closed. Please check back in 2024 for the new program.