Tips of the Trade
Tips of the Trade is our safety email newsletter that’s delivered straight to your inbox. It contains quick tips that will help you respond safely and effectively to incidents involving electricity and natural gas.
Sign up for Tips of the Trade today and begin receiving these critical safety reminders!
Check out some of our past Tips:
Responding to gas odorant spills and fires
Do you know the characteristics of National Grid’s pipelines?
Work zone safety: a proactive approach for law enforcement
Understanding NPMS and PIMMA: Essential tools for first responders
Downed power lines and step potential
Responding to cross‑bore emergencies
Natural gas safety during snow and ice events
Be alert for carbon monoxide poisoning
Relief valve safety
Do not use water on a gas fire
Valves on underground natural gas pipelines
Natural gas leaks: Can you detect them?
Vault and manhole emergencies
Power line safety during structure fires
Understanding natural gas regulators
Help us protect National Grid rights-of-way
Effective response to an outdoor natural gas leak/plume
Responding to natural gas transmission pipeline emergencies
Natural gas leak behavior and flammability
Parking and staging for natural gas incidents
Downed power lines and step potential
Natural gas and propane: What’s the difference?
Responding to substation incidents
Understanding pipeline markers